In Colossians 1:17 we learned that the LORD, the Creator, sustains His creation.  That is one of the main themes of Psalm 147.  For example, He accounts for every star in the heavens (v. 4).  He is great in strength and His understanding is infinite (v. 5).  And it is by His might and understanding that God cares for the earth and its creatures, including man (vv. 8-9; 14-18).

But alongside God’s greatness is His grace, especially His favor toward Israel in their brokenness upon their return to the land after the exile (vv. 2-3; 6; 13-14).  In fact, God has not given His holy word to any other nation as He has to Israel (v. 20).  For these reasons and more, the psalmist declares that it is good and pleasant and right to praise the LORD!  And when we consider how God has provided for us, extended His abundant grace to us in salvation, and given us His holy word, the Bible, it is good and pleasant and right for us to praise the LORD!  Join us this Sunday as we sing the LORD’s praise with the hymn: Holy, Mighty, Worthy!; and continue our study in Colossians 1 on the incomparable Lord Jesus Christ!

Yours and His,
Pastor Ed