The last five psalms in the psalter fittingly begin and end with the exclamation: Praise the LORD!  In between, each one has a different theme.  The important message of Psalm 146 is the contrast of verses 3-4: do not trust in princes; with verses 5-6: let your hope be in the LORD your God.  Two major reasons are given for not trusting in princes, where princes refers to human rulers or those who would claim to be great among men: 1) they cannot save; and 2) they are finite beings whose thoughts or plans will perish with them.  In contrast, the LORD made the heaven and the earth and keeps truth forever.  Verse 10 adds that He will reign forever.  Surely if anyone can save, it is He.  And in verses 7-9 the psalmist gives many examples of how the LORD, as sovereign ruler, executes justice and deliverance; and how He rewards the humble and righteous but stops the wicked.

How important this message is for us in our day when we want to advocate for those who we believe can rule with justice and righteousness; while at the same time not allowing our hope in the LORD to be displaced by trusting in men who are ultimately frail and finite.  I believe the psalmist would say: 1) focus on knowing the LORD so our faith in Him will not falter; and 2) pray for God to raise up “princes” whose hope is in the LORD their God who made heaven and earth, so that they can be an instrument of God’s blessing as He rules through them.

Yours and His,
Pastor Ed