Posts from 2024

110 of 21 items

Grab Tight or Give Up?

by Bob

There is a principle throughout Scripture that I read this morning. Maybe the most concise statement of this principle is found in Mark 8:34-38 where Jesus taught on the cost of discipleship: When He had called the people to Himself, with His disciples also, He said to them, “Whoever desires to come after Me, let […]


by Bob

Although I recently commented on II Corinthians 4, there are other verses on which I would like to focus today. This chapter, which speaks of the need to persevere in the Gospel ministry, is preceded by the explanation of the ministry of the Spirit, and how the Lord is changing us as we gaze on […]


by Bob

Paul begins his first pastoral letter to Timothy with the greeting, a charge against erroneous doctrine and idle divisive talk, his own testimony of God showing him mercy and grace and putting him in the ministry, his resulting praise (doxology) to the King. and finally a charge to wage the good warfare. Based on this […]

Feed on His faithfulness!

by Bob

In considering my own unfaithfulness today, I decided instead to meditate on God’s faithfulness. Here are some verses to help us all: Psa 37:3 – Trust in the LORD, and do good; Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. Deu 7:9 – Therefore know that the LORD your God, He is God, the […]

“Identity Theft” and “Mistaken Identity”

by Bob

The term “identity theft (fraud)” is the deliberate assumption of another person’s identity, usually to gain access to that person’s finances or to frame a person for a crime. The term “mistaken identity” is falsely believing that someone is someone else. Both of these terms underscore the importance of our identity, especially from a financial […]

Beholding the Glory of God

by Bob

Here at this family conference at Big Sandy, which is basically a Bible conference with tailored instruction for the children as well, the statement above is the overall theme. We started the week by getting to see some of the glory of God in person by watching the eclipse together, with comments from astronomer Spike […]

Beholding the Glory of God

by Bob

Here at this family conference at Big Sandy, which is basically a Bible conference with tailored instruction for the children as well, the statement above is the overall theme. We started the week by getting to see some of the glory of God in person by watching the eclipse together, with comments from astronomer Spike […]

Bold Access to the Throne!

by Bob

The suffering and death of our Lord Jesus on the cross was accompanied by four miraculous and awesome signs (Matt. 27:45,51-53; Mark 15:33;38-39; Luke 23:44-45,47-49). The first lasted for three hours – the darkness over all the earth from noon to 3 pm. This miracle makes the coming eclipse on April 8th look like nothing […]

Do what you can, by God’s grace!

by Bob

Six days before the Passover, we find the story of Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus, anointing Jesus with very costly oil of spikenard from an alabaster flask (this story is found in Matthew 26:6-13, Mark 14:3-9, and John 12:2-8). The cost of this ointment was said to be more than 300 denarii. A […]

The mere edges of His ways!

by Bob

Job used this phrase in chapter 26 as he viewed man’s frailty and God’s majesty. As he grapples with what God is doing in his life, he exclaims in verse 14, Indeed these are the mere edges of His ways, and how small a whisper we hear of Him! But the thunder of His power […]