In Acts 12 we find that Peter was arrested – again! Herod Agrippa, who was part Jewish and wanted to please the Jews (v. 3), arrested Peter…during the Passover feast. Because Peter was mysteriously (read: miraculously) delivered the first time the Jewish leaders arrested Peter and his fellow apostles (Acts 5), this time Herod had four squads of four soldiers each guard Peter (v. 4)! As described in verse 6, this was likely two soldiers being chained to Peter, and two more guarding the door of the prison; and having the four changed out every six hours. Verse 4 states that Herod intended to bring Peter before the people after the Passover, no doubt to execute him as he had James (v. 2). But verse 7 says an angel of the Lord delivered Peter just as in Chapter 5.

I do not know all of Peter’s thoughts through all of this, but it makes me think back to John 21, when after the resurrected Lord solicited Peter’s love for Him three times, Jesus indicated how Peter will follow his Lord in death; and then Jesus admonished Peter: Follow Me (Jn. 21:18-19). In a very human response, Peter was worried about his fate compared to that of his close friend and fellow apostle, John. Jesus’ reply (Jn. 21:22) should shake us as it likely did Peter: If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow Me! Indeed, we know that John would live into the 90’s A.D., perhaps 30 years beyond Peter. Yet Peter is delivered from prison and from death for the second time, while John’s brother, James – who with Peter and John formed Jesus’ inner ring of His disciples – was executed. Peter had to process a hard lesson that all of us have to come to grips with. God’s ways are not our ways – and that includes His dealings with His children. Peter, James, and John were all fishermen from the same home area, yet God had gave them different gifts, callings, life paths, and even length of life. Why was James’ life taken so early? Why did John live so much longer? It was all in the wisdom and plan of God, for His purposes and glory. As we grow and serve Jesus Christ, we need to get beyond comparing ourselves with our fellow-servants, and keep our ears tuned every day to Jesus’ call to us: Follow Me!
Yours and His,
Pastor Ed