Psalm 136 is another psalm that illustrates how important singing was to Israel’s worship, especially during the feasts.  Although it is not officially labeled a Song of Ascents, Psalm 136 was definitely one of the favorite praise songs of Israel.  Each of the 26 verses ends with the phrase: For His lovingkindness – God’s loyal love – is everlasting.  That means that this was an antiphonal hymn with two groups of singers: one would sing the opening content statement of each verse, and the second group responded with the repeated chorus: For His lovingkindness is everlasting.

The opening theme of the song is that the LORD is good, the God of gods, and the Lord of lords, who alone does great wonders(vv. 1-4).  The following stanzas speak of His great wonders such as: His creation of the heavens and the earth (vv. 5-9); His deliverance of Israel from Egypt, through their wilderness wanderings, and from their adversaries into the Promised Land (vv. 10-24); and His provision for all His creatures (v. 25).

The conclusion is: Give thanks to the God of heaven, for His lovingkindness is everlasting (v. 26).  Join us this Sunday as we praise the God of heaven for many of these same wonders, using hymns such as: When Morning Gilds the Skies; Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness; and God Is Our Strength and Refuge.

Yours and His,
Pastor Ed